Domains for Sale















Domains for Sale



Registered for a client and not required. The name stands for itself which is always an advantage especially for search engine optimisation. If your name is Townsend or your store is at the end of town this is the name for you. Even if your store is now known by another name it is seriously worthwhile renaming your store to a memorable internet address that is easily found by search engines. More and more business is being transacted over the web with antique trading being one of the most changed by the advent of the internet. This trend will surely continue.



As above, mostly of interest to UK dealers and also worthwhile for international dealers specialising in British antiques or catering to the British or expatriate markets.



Castle Farm was an estate we owned and occupied in the 1990s and of course we registered an appropriate domain. Castle Farm was and is a very popular name for farms, almost every hill in England had a castle or fort at its top in the middle ages and a farm just downhill to supply it. There are thousands of Castle Farms in England and more around the world, many survive as working farms and other businesses such as guest houses. Google produces over 1,000,000 search results for castle farm, if you work from a Castle Farm this web address will guarantee better search engine results.



Nintendo Wii is the current game sensation with innovative features bringing more customers in to the market for computer gaming. This distinctive name is easily memorable and immediately conjours up the thoughts Wii and wisdom. A secondary connection is Wii's domain.

A great web address for UK based Wii users and fans, ideal for blogging, tips and tricks. Great for US folks too, many savvy US web users check out UK sites for the latest news as with 5 - 8 hours start on the day lots of news is reported earlier.

This address has great potential for generating revenue from advertising with minimum effort as it is a name that will attract search engines.



Short and memorable this web address has great potential. Bringing to mind the time honoured expletive b'Jesus and is phonetically widely used. It is of Irish origin and widely recognised in the anglo-saxon world. An expletive that is not persona non grata as evidenced by this article in the British broadsheet newspaper The Independent.

An excellent address with the potential of creating a product brand based around it especially a fun toy, gaming device, book........ Alternatively for a site dedicated to British and Irish humour or perhaps other uses this address clearly has massive potential. See what the urban dictionary has to say about it.



Another address that says it all. Iron both cast and wrought is a fabulous material that survives in use for centuries as be seen by the wealth of antique ironwork available. The word ironmongery came to encapsulate the whole genre of metal fixtures in house and home and other buildings. Brass doorknobs are ironmongery as are household fittings in bronze, steel, aluminium etc.

Great enough to build a brand around and especially suited to household hardware and architectural salvage businesses the latter of which espcially suffers from the lack of distinctive internet addresses. Ironmongery both new and reclaimed is eminently suitable for web based mail order business being small and durable so quick and easy to package.